My experience with scams

I am in true awe of the world of media right now. The media is an excellent way to share ideas and to get your voice heard. However there is so much stuff in the media that are complete scams. Now I knew scams existed, obviously, from watching videos of upset people that ordered something a Youtuber told them they should get and them tearing apart the credibility of that Youtuber. I never thought I would fall for something like this or that I would ever try and sell something that was a scam. I have a business profile on Instagram for my music account and having this profile is basically a way to make it easier to use social media to promote yourself or a product. So I was approached by a company called Modern Natural which is a hair care line. They told me they wanted me to be a sales representative for them and sent me this video about how these girls pay for their college with it and how it’s their fulltime job. They said that it’s super easy to get customers (I was getting suspicious at this point) and that it’s really a quality product. They talked about how they have gotten iPads and trips to the Bahamas with this company. I asked them all my questions and it all seemed really legit, but still being skeptical I looked up the company (that they didn’t tell me the name of till I asked which was strange). I got flooded with articles about how it “makes your hair fall out” and “it’s a scam”. However I still think the girls make money off of selling it but my point is that it’s crazy how this world works and how you can approach people through Instagram and promise them these things and they go with it and believe you. It’s so easy to make money off of people and to get them to sign up for something. Nobody wants to spend money and everyone wants to easily make money. I feel bad for those who feel for this trick and didn’t do their research. But it’s human to make  these mistakes. You hear that they can give you a Catillac and you turn into that picture with dollar signs on their eyes. It’s incredibly human and since all of us are humans it’s easy for companies to continue to do this.


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