
Youtube really seems to know who I am and what they make me think I want because I saw another musical commercial about hygiene. The ad starts in a public bathroom at the main characters work. She's fixing her hair and singing about how she wishes there was a song woman could sing to encourage them to be great. The as she's putting on Secret Deodorant she says "Actually I'd rather get paid". Then it breaks out into a song as she's going through her office about how woman don't get an equal wage.  She repeats the chorus "We'd rather get paid" and it gets stuck in your head, which is using subliminal persuasion because it's so odd to watch a commercial that's a musical (Unless you are part of the target audience which I am). Then at the end it all stops and big text says "Equal Work. Equal Sweat. Equal Pay. Pay woman what they're worth" then pops up the Secret Deodorant logo with text next to it saying "Supporting Woman since 1956". I think this was such a clever ad. It was clever to bring in that political movement because it kinda has to do with each other because of the "Equal Sweat" thing. But it now creates a positive connotation with Secret Deodorant because now woman everywhere who want equal pay will know that Secret Deodorant supports them.



  1. I really agree with you when it comes to this article, but, i also would like to add, could it also be possible that this is displaying diversion? I was thinking because, the whole women's rights thing is a very opinionated topic, and, while it's a great thing to support, it doesnt have much to do with Secret deodorant. Other then that, Id say you nailed it, the whole word "equal" is defenitly an ambiguous word, and their defenitly leaving their audience with a positive connotation, good job.


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