The Final Blog Entry

I think this was a great way of meditation that I would dread doing, then start and get really excited about it. I think the purpose of this was to have a safe space to write our original thoughts and feel like they are being heard.
I now know that I consume a lot of media. There's no escape from it. One way or another I will end up seeing some sort of media that affects me in some sort of way. I believe that this consumption of media affected my life a lot especially when I was growing up and trying to find my judgements about the world.
I think taking this class and learning the techniques the media uses to get my attention helps me become more aware than I was before. I now can see that the media tells us what we want vs us telling them what we want.
I think I went out seeking media more this semester, but my habits will probably change after this. My phone told me I reduced my screen time by 20% last week.
I think it's important to have media literacy for our mental survival in this world. The anxiety in the messages the media shows us are overwhelming and unachievable. I know that having it now I feel better and less anxious when I don't look like the people on TV because they are trying to sell me something, trying to feed the little dragon inside of us that is self-doubt and anxiety. 
I think being an educated consumer is important because it's only fair that you know what is happening to you. They are playing mind tricks with you and being educated about them, means you have some say in the outcome.
I felt like my voice was heard keeping this blog. Because this time it wasn't about how pretty you are or how many likes you get, it was about the depth of your ideas and I felt this was a safe place to criticize the world and its media. 


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