Where does a Mook go too far?

Watching The Merchants of Cool I recognized the way the "Mook" was acting. The "Mook" is supposed to be for guys and they do crazy things and that attracts the young male viewers. The Mook can convince boys to buy something or do something because they are somehow captivated by the Mook energy. In the past couple years another Mook has been arriving, the Paul brothers. Logan and Jake Paul are famous on Youtube for destroying things, lighting their pool on fire, and having an all-out crazy "go go go" type of lifestyle. But where does a Mook go too far? In December 2017, Logan Paul posted a video where he found a man hung in a tree in the Suicide Forest. This video launched his channel to have 15 million subscribers.  There has been apologizes from Paul after big stars criticised him and the loss of 6 million subscribers. However, I want to look at how people, not only a minority of people but 15 million people, wanted to start watching his videos after that. It's truly insane to me and it really shows the true colors of fractions of our generation.


  1. I really agree with what you are saying here. The important thing to acknowledge in the first place is that the Mook is a character (or some may even say caricature) and any character can get old or even dangerous very quickly, especially one used for the intentions of profit. I think that Logan Paul and other similar channels are merely the most extreme version of this Mook, and that somewhere in the depths of YouTube there exists more palatable and less provocative versions of this character.


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